How to Get the Most Use Out of Your Manually Operated Tools
April 5, 2023

Hand tools are one of the essential pieces of equipment that you’ll need in your carpentry and construction business. Great hand tools used correctly can make your work go much easier. But just because they’re simple to use, they aren’t complicated either. It takes a lot to get the most out of simple manual tools.

Buy high-quality tools

Buy the best tools you can afford. It’s tempting to go for the bargain basement option, but this is one area where you get what you pay for. Cheap tools are prone to breakage, which will also slow down your work and put extra wear and tear on your body. If it’s within your budget, buy quality tools that will outlast their cheaper counterparts.

Keep tools sharp

Keeping your tools sharp will make them easier to use and reduce the force you have to apply to get the job done. Sharpening is an art that takes practice and skill. However, an important first step is getting a good file, which should be available at any hardware store or tool supply center.

Clean and oil tools after use

Tools should be cleaned immediately after use, especially if they’ve been used in dirt or mud. A simple rinse with water does the trick for most things, but soap and water will do the trick for more stubborn dirt. If you can’t wash off all the dirt on your own, try using a garden hose with hot water but never let it run directly into electrical outlets. Also, keep small tools such as screwdrivers in their cases when not in use to prevent them from getting lost or dirty.

Do not use tools such as hammers

Hammering a nail with a screwdriver is bad because it can bend the screwdriver’s tip and damage its shaft. If you want to hammer something, use a hammer instead of a tool designed for another purpose.

Store tools in a secure place

Tools should be stored in an area out of reach of children, pets, and others who may mishandle them. Tools should also be kept from moisture and heat sources like fireplaces or wood stoves. If a tool is not being used for an extended period, it should be stored in its original packaging so that it does not rust or get damaged by other objects in storage (e.g., nails).


Ultimately, there are no easy tips or tricks to get you a lifetime of use out of your hand tools. It’s largely just a matter of taking good care of them. Whether that means following manufacturer instructions, repairing them when they break, or buying high-quality tools in the first place, it all comes down to storage and maintenance.